No: 187, 14 May 2021, Press Release Regarding Israel's Attacks on Gaza

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 14.05.2021

The rapid increase in civilian casualties in Israeli air strikes on Gaza, the damage to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) schools, and the injury of a cameraman and a photojournalist of the Anadolu Agency covering the region are clear manifestations of the disproportionate and indiscriminate nature of the Israeli attacks.

It is also a source of concern for us that Israel has started tank and artillery fires against Gaza.

We call on the international community to intervene swiftly for Israel to stop these attacks which will cause further loss of civilian lives.

We wish God's mercy upon our Palestinian brothers who lost their lives in the Israeli attacks and a speedy recovery to the injured. We also extend our wishes of recovery to the Anadolu Agency staff.

Turkey will continue to stand firmly with the Palestinian people in their legitimate cause.