No: 97, 14 March 2021, Press Release Regarding the 10th Year of the Syrian Conflict

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 14.03.2021

The decade following the response by the regime forces with repression and violence to the peaceful demonstrations initiated by the Syrian people by aspirations for democracy, justice, rights and freedom has witnessed the death of half a million innocent civilians, displacement of half of the population, and the agony that will be felt for generations. Today, 13.4 million Syrians in the country are in need of humanitarian aid. 2.4 million children are deprived of education. 5.9 million people are homeless. COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the suffering of the civilian population.

We salute the Syrian people who have not compromised their struggle for rights and freedom even under these conditions and wish Allah’s mercy upon those who lost their lives. We reiterate Turkey’s resolute solidarity with its state and nation towards its brothers and sisters in Syria.

Turkey attaches great importance to protection of political unity and territorial integrity of Syria and will continue its relentless efforts both on the table and on the ground for preservation of the ceasefire, ensuring safe and voluntary return of refugees and achieving a sustainable and lasting political solution in accordance with the UN Security Council Resolution 2254 as a result of Syrian owned and led process under the auspices of the UN.

Turkey will also continue its fight against all terrorist organizations, DAESH and PKK/YPG in particular, which pose existential threat to its national security and Syria’s territorial integrity. No tolerance will be shown to the efforts to legitimize the separatist agendas of the terrorist organizations.

Turkey, with its benevolent approach throughout the history, hosts 3.7 million Syrians and plays a leading role in addressing their urgent needs. We hereby, once again, strongly reiterate our call to the international community, in particular the United Nations Security Council, to fulfill their duties and responsibilities in reaching a political solution to the conflict, providing assistance to refugees and the neighboring countries hosting them, alleviating the humanitarian crisis and combating terrorism.

Turkey will continue its solidarity with the Syrian people and their legitimate representatives in achieving these goals.