No: 84, 5 March 2021, Press Release Regarding the Decisions of the Arab League Targeting Turkey

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 05.03.2021

We totally reject the baseless decisions taken against Turkey at the Council of Foreign Ministers meeting of the Arab League held on 3 March 2021.

It is very well known by the members of the Arab League too that the insistence of some of their members on continuing formulaic accusations against Turkey, in order to conceal their own destructive actions, is not supported by the friendly and brotherly Arab peoples.

Furthermore, we have seen that these decisions are taken without any transparent negotiation processes and rather imposed by certain actors and that some Arab League members object to or put their reservations on these decisions.

With its principled and resolute approach, Turkey is among the countries that exert utmost effort to ensure security, stability and peace in the region and the world. Preserving Arab countries’ sovereignty and territorial integrity, and ensuring their political unity are among Turkey’s top regional priorities.

Once again, we invite Arab League to prioritize Arab peoples’ peace, prosperity and well-being and constructively contribute to ensuring security and stability in the region, instead of targeting Turkey with unfounded accusations.