No: 74, 26 February 2021, Press Release Regarding the 29th Anniversary of the Khojaly Massacre

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 26.02.2021

On the 26 February 1992, 613 innocent Azerbaijani civilians, including women and children, were murdered and hundreds of Azerbaijani citizens were injured as a result of the attacks carried out by the forces of the Republic of Armenia towards the city of Khojaly in Nagorno Karabakh. During the attacks more than a thousand people were taken captive. The fate of those who are missing remain unknown.

We know that the scars of the Khojaly Massacre which took place before the very eyes of the world are still open. We feel and share the grief of brotherly Azerbaijan deep in our hearts.

We wish Allah’s mercy on our Azerbaijani brothers who have lost their lives in this inhumane massacre and humbly bow before their sacred memories. We also extend our most sincere condolences to the brotherly Azerbaijani nation.

On this occasion, we once again mercifully and respectfully commemorate those martyrs who lost their lives in the Patriotic War which liberated Azerbaijan’s invaded territories and enabled nearly a million displaced Azerbaijanis to return to their homes.