QA-5, 11 February 2021, Statement of the Spokesperson of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Hami Aksoy, in Response to a Question Regarding the Statement of the Spokesperson of the U.S. Department of State Concerning Osman Kavala

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 11.02.2021

We responded to the statement of the U.S. Department of State calling for the release of Osman Kavala on 28 July 2020. We would like to remind that the second statement of a similar content is again not in line with the principle of the rule of law.

Legal proceedings by independent courts regarding Osman Kavala are ongoing. Everybody must respect these processes.

The Council of Europe Committee of Ministers’ Human Rights meetings oversee the execution of European Court of Human Rights’ judgment on Osman Kavala. Our Government provides the necessary information in this context.

It is an inconsistent and unprincipled approach for a country which has used legal proceedings as an excuse when it comes to the extradition of the FETÖ ringleader, who attempted a coup against the Turkish democracy, to try to interfere in another legal proceeding in Turkey.

Turkey is a state governed by the rule of law. No country or person can give orders to Turkish courts regarding legal processes.