No: 48, 5 February 2021, Press Release Regarding the Designation of the New Presidency Council and Prime Minister by the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 05.02.2021

We welcome the designation of the President and members of the Presidency Council and the Prime Minister who will serve until the general elections that are scheduled to be held on 24 December 2021 in Libya, as a result of the elections held in the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (LPDF). We hope that the new Government of National Unity will be formed and take office as soon as possible on the basis of the Road Map adopted by the LPDF.

This democratic step taken by our Libyan brothers and sisters on the basis of dialogue and national reconciliation, constitutes a significant opportunity for preserving Libya’s sovereignty, independency and territorial integrity as well as securing the political unity of the country.

Turkey, rejecting the military methods right along, reckons that the international community will not allow this time those who may try to spoil this historic opportunity for a lasting political solution in Libya.

Turkey will contiune to extend its full support to the new executive authority for providing the public services needed by the friendly and brotherly Libyan people, ensuring security, normalizing daily life and holding the elections as envisaged at the end of this year.