No: 33, 22 January 2021, Press Release Regarding the Agreement Within the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum on the Selection Mechanism of the New Executive Authority

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 22.01.2021

We welcome the agreement within Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (LPDF) on the selection mechanism of the new executive authority that will remain in office until the elections, and the announcement of the schedule for the prompt finalization of this process within the framework of the UN facilitated and Libyan-led efforts for a lasting and sustainable ceasefire and national reconciliation.

Turkey, which attaches importance to Libya’s sovereignty, integrity and politcal unity, wishes the selection of a new unified executive authority soon. The prompt formation of a unified executive authority bears great importance not only for the preparations of the general elections planned to be held on 24 December 2021, but also for addressing the urgent needs of the friendly and brotherly Libyan people in the face of the deteriorating humanitarian situation caused by the aggression on Tripoli that started in April 2019 and the following oil blockade.

Emphasizing that there can be no military solution to the Libyan crisis right along, Turkey has played a leading role with its constructive contributions in making the Berlin Conference happen and the implementation of its conclusions as well as in ensuring the ceasefire by balancing the situation on the ground and resumption of the political process that was interrupted in April 2019. Turkey will extend all support to the new executive authority that will be established on the basis of an inclusive national reconciliation among Libyans.

In order to realize Libyan people’s aspiration for democracy, it is crucial that the UN faciliated political solution efforts should not be hindered once again. In this respect, we follow with great concern the military build-up and ceasefire violations of the illegitimate entities in Libya.

Turkey will resolutely continue its constructive approach towards Libya, in line with the will of the Libyan people, the letter and the spirit of the relevant UN Security Council resolutions on Libya and Berlin Conference conclusions, and through its cooperation with the legitimate government in Libya. To ensure lasting peace, stability and welfare in Libya, we expect from all international actors to display the very same responsibility.