QA-117, 26 November 2020, Statement of the Spokesperson of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Hami Aksoy in Response to a Question Regarding the European Parliament’s Resolution Adopted at the Plenary Session on the Cyprus Issue and Fenced City of Maraş

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 27.11.2020

We totally reject the non-binding recommendatory resolution adopted by the European Parliament (EP) at the Plenary Session on 26 November 2020 regarding Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC).

We fully support the statement made by the TRNC Presidency this evening on this issue.

The resolution, which was undoubtedly dictated by the Greek Cypriot Administration, revealed once again the extent the EP was prejudiced and disconnected from the realities on the Cyprus issue. If this approach and mentality are maintained, it would not be possible for the EU bodies to make a constructive contribution to the settlement of the Cyprus issue.

Taking hostage of the Turkey-EU relations by the Cyprus issue serves neither the EU’s general interests, nor the settlement of the Cyprus issue, nor the improvement of neighborly relations.

We invite the EP and the EU to face the realities on the Cyprus Island, to take into account the existence of the Turkish Cypriot people and to fulfill the commitments made by the EU to the Turkish Cypriots in April 2004.

Turkey will continue to resolutely protect both her own rights and those of the Turkish Cypriots, without bowing to any threat and blackmail, and maintain her dialogue and negotiation efforts.