No: 299, 24 November 2020, Press Release Regarding Ambassador (R) Mehmet Hasan Göğüş’s Election to the Board of Advisers of IDLO

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 25.11.2020

Ambassador (R) Mehmet Hasan Göğüş is elected as a member of Board of Advisers of International Development Law Organization (IDLO) in Rome for a duration of four years during IDLO’s General Assembly held on 24 November 2020.

Ambassador Göğüş will replace Ambassador (R) Ertuğrul Apakan, the former Undersecretary of Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

We are confident that Ambassador Göğüş will make significant contributions to the Board of Advisers of IDLO and we wish him success during his term.

The decision of IDLO General Assembly also reflects the credibility and standing of Turkey before the international organizations.