No: 261, 28 October 2020, Press Release Regarding Armenia’s Anew Attack Today on Barda City of Azerbaijan

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 28.10.2020

After yesterday's heinous attack, Armenia perpetrated yet another vicious and treacherous attack on civilians in the Azerbaijani city of Barda, outside the conflict zone. According to initial reports, 21 people lost their lives and more than 70 were wounded as a result of the attack.

We wish Allah’s mercy upon our brothers and sisters who lost their lives, a speedy recovery to the wounded, and convey our condolences and wishes of fortitude to brotherly Azerbaijan.

We condemn in the strongest possible terms Armenia’s vile attacks directed against the civilian population including children, the young and the elderly without discrimination. This vicious policy Armenia employs to terrorize and murder civilians is another manifestation of the sick mindset that was behind the Khojaly massacre.

The Armenian administration, resorting to any means available to avoid withdrawing from the territories it occupied, acts without reason and conscience. This latest attack is registered as a shameful entry in the list of Armenia’s war crimes for which it will be held accountable.

It is long overdue for the international community, particularly for the Minsk Group Co-chairs, to show the necessary reaction to Armenia.