No: 257, 25 October 2020, Press Release Regarding the Statement of Jean-Yves Le Drian, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs of France, on 25 October 2020

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 26.10.2020

When Mr. Le Drian, the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs of France announced the decision to recall the French Ambassador in Ankara to Paris for consultations, it is understood that France tries to explain the process of tension that it has created and escalated.

Unfortunately, the points expressed in his statement demonstrate the continued one-sided and egocentric approaches of France towards the events and our bilateral relations.

The President of France and the French media did not give any reaction against the allegations targeting our President and our country, which have been put forward for a long time. Under the guise of “freedom of expression”, no reaction has also been registered on the projection of cartoons offending Muslims on state buildings. When these facts are highlighted, “freedom of expression” is ignored by the West’s usual double standards.

Being a country that fights against all kinds of terrorism and violence for many years, Turkey regretted the murder of Samuel Paty like all victims of such incidents. Our regret was also expressed by our Ambassador in Paris, the highest representative of our state in France. Turkey's sensitivity in connection with terrorism does not make distinctions as to language, religion, race or opinion. Yet, it is also ironic that France, which did not feel the need to issue any statements about our teachers who were martyred for many years by the PKK terrorist organization, finds itself in such a sensitivity.