QA-101, 16 October 2020, Statement of the Spokesperson of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Hami Aksoy, in Response to a Question Regarding the Remarks of Nikos Dendias, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Greece, in Armenia

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 17.10.2020

The remarks and claims of Nikos Dendias, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Greece, regarding our country during his visit to Armenia is a new proof of Greece’s choice for a policy of tension and escalation in its relations with Turkey, rather than good neighbourliness, dialogue and cooperation.

These claims would not cover up historical facts. Greece should not forget the atrocities it has committed in Anatolia for which it was convicted to pay compensation and should read the history correctly, renounce “megali idea” and Turkish hostility.

The common denominator of the solution of all problems in our region is Turkey, while the creator of the problems or the supporter of the creators of the problems is Greece.

It is Greece that supports the cruel Esad regime in Syria, the putschist Hafter in Libya, the occupier Armenia in Nagorno-Karabakh, opens its doors for all terrorist organizations including PKK, PYD, FETÖ, which commit acts against Turkey, transforms Aegean sea into the grave of immigrants and pursues expansionist policies in the Aegean sea and Mediterranean.

The Greek Foreign Minister needs to differentiate between the occupier and the victim in Nagorno-Karabakh and the seven regions surrounding it, and call on the international community to condemn the illegal Armenian occupation in the Azerbaijani territories for the last 28 years despite the UN Security Council Resolutions that urge Armenia to immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw.

Greece should abandon these policies and read Turkey, the realities of the region and the world correctly.