No: 239, 10 October 2020, Press Release Regarding the Ceasefire Between Azerbaijan and Armenia

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 10.10.2020

A ceasefire has been declared between Azerbaijan and Armenia on the front line to take effect today at 12:00 local time.

During the armed conflicts that started on 27 September 2020, Azerbaijan has shown Armenia and the whole world that it has the ability and the self confidence to reclaim its territories under occupation for nearly 30 years.

In this process, calls for ceasefire were made from all over the world with humanitarian considerations. Consequently Azerbaijan gave Armenia a last opportunity to withdraw from the territories it has occupied.

The ceasefire which was declared on humanitarian grounds for the exchange of prisoners of war and bodies, is an important first step, but cannot replace a lasting solution. Since the beginning, Turkey has always underlined that it would only support those solutions which were acceptable to Azerbaijan. With this understanding, Turkey will continue to stand by brotherly Azerbaijan on the ground and at the table.