No: 232, 6 October 2020, Press Release Regarding Canada’s Statement on Suspension of Export Licenses of Some Military Products to Turkey.

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 06.10.2020

Canada's statement regarding the suspension of the export licenses of some military products to Turkey is an indication of its double-standard approach. Canada is presenting the legitimate struggle of Azerbaijan to liberate its territories under Armenian occupation for 30 years as a pretext.

Canada sees no objection in exporting weapons to countries that are militarily involved in the crisis in Yemen, where one of the greatest humanitarian tragedies of this century is taking place. Furthermore, Canada is blocking the export of defense products to a NATO ally, while trying to portray these arms sales, which have even been criticized in reports prepared by UN experts, as a contribution to regional security. There can be no explanation for such a position.

Canada has been impeding export licenses of military materials for Turkey, especially since the launch of Operation Peace Spring, and has displayed an uncooperative attitude incompatible with the spirit of Alliance.

Turkey has a comprehensive export control regime and rigorously implements its obligations stemming from these regimes.

Our expectation from Canada is to refrain from double standards and to act without being influenced and getting trapped by the narrow political interests of anti-Turkey circles in the country.