No: 218, 21 September 2020, Press Release Regarding the Inclusion of a Turkish Maritime Transportation Company within the List of Sanctions in connection with Libya at the Meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Council

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 21.09.2020

The inclusion of a Turkish maritime transportation company within the list of sanctions in connection with Libya at today’s meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Council holds no value whatsoever vis-à-vis Turkey.

Operation Irini of the EU rewards Haftar the pirate, but it punishes the UN-recognized Libyan Government. While Turkey’s humanitarian aid to the legitimate government is labelled as a violation of the embargo, the fact that the countries, UAE in particular, and companies, which ship arms to the putchist Haftar by land and air in contravention to the resolutions of UNSC, are overlooked, is a clear indication of the partial stance of the EU.

Instead of taking a stand on the side of international legitimacy, it is evident that the EU insists on maintaining its double-standards as demonstrated with Operation Irini, which rewards the aggressor.

Such an erroneous decision is highly unfortunate at a time when efforts are underway for de-escalation in the Eastern Mediterranean.

If the EU wishes security and stability to prevail in the region, it should drop this partial stance and act in consultation as well as cooperation with Turkey.