No: 215, 17 September 2020, Press Release Regarding the Resolution Adopted by the European Parliament on 17th September 2020 on Turkey, Concerning the Eastern Mediterranean

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 18.09.2020

The resolution adopted by the European Parliament (AP) at the Plenary Session on 17 September 2020, concerning Turkey and the developments in the Eastern Mediterranean is unrealistic. It has been adopted solely for the sake of membership solidarity and serving the self centric interests of certain member states. This resolution is unacceptable in many respects.

This biased resolution contradicts both goodwill and common sense and has been adopted despite our efforts before the member states and all the EU institutions at all levels, including the EP.

The EP is losing its credibility, due to its biased and unfair approach, as well as its one-sided and invalid interpretation of the maritime law, on which it has no jurisdiction.

Neither the EP and the EU nor the EU member states have the right to determine the borders or areas of jurisdiction of any third country. The EP and the other EU institutions, if sincere on the settlement of the issue and on European compromise, should display only a facilitating and reconciliatory stance and reach out to candidate country Turkey without prejudice. They should be fair and at equal distance to all parties of a disputable issue.

Turkey has shown its good-will, and has not forgone its right and principled stance vis-a-vis the maximalist and unjust attitudes. Despite provocations, it has displayed a determined but sound approach. Turkey, does not have designs on anyone else’s rights but it will continue to protect keenly its rights and interests stemming from the international law as well as those of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

As emphasized by H.E. Mr. Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey in his address to the Committee of Foreign Affairs of the EP and in his letters to the members of the EP, Turkey, believing in a sincere dialogue and cooperation with the EU with membership perspective, always prefers dialogue and negotiation for the resolution of disputes.

On the other hand, Article 9 of the said Resolution, which calls on the EU Council and the Commission to pursue a broader and inclusive dialogue and refers to a comprehensive and strategic security architecture and energy cooperation in the Eastern Mediterranean, has been duly noted.