QA-91, 13 September 2020, The Statement of the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Hami Aksoy in response to a Question Regarding the Memorandum of Understanding Signed Between the Greek Cypriot Administration and the United States.

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 13.09.2020

The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between the Greek Cypriot Administration (GCA) and the United States on 12 September 2020 disregards the Turkish Cypriot side.

This MoU will not serve peace and stability in the Eastern Mediterranean and will damage the settlement of the Cyprus issue.

The recent steps taken by the US, by lifting the arms embargo on the GCA and providing military training program (IMET) to the Greek Cypriot side disrupt the balance between the two peoples on the Island and increase the tension in the Eastern Mediterranean.

It is remarkable in this respect that the US Secretary of State Pompeo, contrary to their usual practice, did not meet with the Turkish Cypriot side during his visit to the Island.

It is obvious that these steps taken in total exclusion of the Turkish Cypriots, who have equal rights with the Greek Cypriots on the Island will lead to further hardening of the Greek Cypriot intransigence and thus will further discourage the Greek Cypriot side to take a reconciliatory position on the solution of any problem.

We urge the US to return to its impartial policy that it has traditionally maintained in the Island of Cyprus and to contribute to the efforts towards the settlement of the Cyprus issue.