No: 204, 10 September 2020, Press Release Regarding the Remarks of the French President Macron

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 10.09.2020

French President Macron made once again an arrogant statement with his old colonial reflexes, as if he was trying to give lessons with a haughty attitude. In fact, Macron's statements are a manifestation of his own incompetence and despair. The days when they had free rein all over the world are over. Because we thwarted all his insidious plans in foreign policy and countered his dirty games, Macron vehemently attacks Turkey and our President every day.

President Erdoğan is one of the leaders elected with the highest rate of votes in Europe. Our President has always taken his power from the Turkish people. The Turkish people and the Government have always been and will continue to be in full unity against such delusions.

It is not for Macron to determine the maritime jurisdiction of any country in the Mediterranean or any other geography. France, rather than blindly acting as the advocates of Greece and Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus, who are taking unilateral and provocative steps and holding the EU hostage for their own narrow-minded interests, should act in favor of reconciliation and dialogue. This is also a requirement of our Europeanness and of our ally status at NATO.

The French President, with his individual and nationalist stance, encourages tension and puts the great interests of Europe and the EU at risk.

It is a complete inconsistency that France, which does not even have a border to the Eastern Mediterranean and still acting with colonialist approach in the region, criticizes Turkey’s partnership, sincerity, cooperation and enterprising and humanitarian foreign policy. We leave to the discretion of the French people the state of helplessness of Macron, whose support in public opinion keeps declining.