No: 203, 10 September 2020, Press Release Regarding the Decisions of the Arab League Targeting Our Country

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 10.09.2020

Certain Arab League members, in order to conceal their own destructive agendas and actions, have carried their groundless accusations against our country to the Ministerial Council meeting of the Arab League on September 9.

We totally reject the decisions taken about our country at the said meeting. As a matter of fact, these decisions lack any context to be taken seriously. It is well known that, unlike the administrations that are behind the adoption of these decisions, Turkey attaches utmost importance to the preservation of the territorial integrity and the political unity of the Arab countries, as well as regional stability, and exerts efforts for their protection.

The aforementioned administrations support terrorists aiming to dismember Syria and threaten the sovereignty of Iraq. They have caused destruction of Yemen and sided with the putschists in Libya, while also risking to destabilizeSudan for their own interests. They have supported regimes, militia leaders, separatist groups and terrorist organizations that cause humanitarian tragedies. Against all these attempts, Turkey will resolutely sustain its constructive efforts to ensure stability and tranquility in the region.

The Arab peoples have been watching with dissatisfaction that these administrations are disregarding the cause of Palestine, preventing the adoption of a resolution by the Arab League against the initiatives undermining the two-state solution and the common Arab position, in this regard.

We once again call on the Arab League to adopt a positive role for the establishment of security and stability in the region, instead of acting under the direction of some members that maintain a hostile attitude towards our country.