QA-84, 1 September 2020, Statement of the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Hami Aksoy, in Response to a Question Regarding Allegations of Spying Activities on behalf of Turkey in Austria

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 02.09.2020

We reject the unfounded allegations made about our country by the Austrian authorities. It is obvious that these allegations emanate from anti-Turkey circles.

We are astonished to see that the Austrian Government draws conclusions which accuse our country with completely unserious reflexes.

The statements made have also shown once again, that Austrian politics has not been able to free itself from the vicious circle of populist rhetoric and anti-Turkey obsession. It should be known that this situation is disturbing the peace of the Turkish Community living in Austria and damaging Turkey – Austria relations.

We call on the Austrian Government not to pursue artificial agenda using Turkey for shallow and domestic political calculations, but to act with the seriousness of a state and common sense and to engage in sincere cooperation.