No: 190, 31 August 2020, Press Release Regarding the Visit of a Group Belonging to the PKK/YPG-Dominated So-called “Syrian Democratic Council” to the Russian Federation

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 31.08.2020

We are following with concern the reports on the invitation of a group of elements belonging to the PKK/YPG-dominated so-called “Syrian Democratic Council” to the Russian Federation and the high-level reception given by the Russian official authorities.

PKK/YPG is a terrorist organization which, in pursuit of its terrorist and separatist agenda, oppresses the local population in the territories under its effective control, undermines the territorial integrity of Syria and poses a threat to the national security of Syria’s neighbors, first and foremost to Turkey.

Combating terrorism in all forms and manifestations, and standing against separatist agendas aimed at undermining the territorial integrity of Syria as well as threatening the national security of neighboring countries constitute common commitments enshrined in the joint statements of the high-level Astana-format meetings held to date. As a matter of fact, the Astana guarantors reaffirmed, most recently at their meeting held in Geneva on 25 August 2020, their joint objection against separatist agendas of illegitimate entities.

We expect the Russian Federation to act in conformity with the Astana spirit and the commitments undertaken at the Astana-format meetings, and to refrain from taking steps that would serve the agendas of the entities affiliated with the PKK/YPG terrorist organization.

Our reaction on the issue will be transmitted to the Russian authorities also by the Turkish delegation headed by Deputy Foreign Minister Ambassador Sedat Önal currently in Moscow for political consultations.