QA-77, 16 August 2020, Statement of the Spokesperson of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Hami Aksoy, in Response to a Question Regarding the Statement of Armenia on the Eastern Mediterranean

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 17.08.2020

It is conspicuous that Armenia, who dared to propound a remark regarding the Eastern Mediterranean, is in a fallacious perception of the global geography and her place in it. The issue at hand is the Eastern Mediterranean, not Lake Sevan.

Following her provocative statement on the Treaty of Serves, Armenia expressing an opinion regarding the Eastern Mediterranean this time, is a novel instance of impertinence and irresponsibility.

Coming after the examples of the United Arab Emirates and France, the fact that Armenia, a country with no coastline to any sea, presumes itself worthy of speaking about the Eastern Mediterranean, unravels the dimensions of an insidious alliance that is being attempted to be forged against Turkey.

No matter what, Turkey will resolutely continue to protect both her and Turkish Cypriots’ rights in the Eastern Mediterranean stemming from international law. No alliance of malice will manage to prevent this. Those who think otherwise have not taken their lessons from history.

On this occasion, Turkey would also like to remind that, with all her means and capabilities, she stands by brotherly Azerbaijan.