No: 166, 6 August 2020, Joint Statement by Foreign Ministers of LIBYA, MALTA, and TURKEY

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 06.08.2020

The Foreign Ministers of the State of Libya, Republic of Malta, and Republic of Turkey held a meeting in Tripoli on 6 August 2020 to discuss the latest situation in Libya and the relations of joint cooperation between the three States.

Both Malta and Turkey have stressed their support to the internationally recognized Government of National Accord of the State of Libya, there is no military solution to the Libyan crisis, and stability and security of Libya are of a great significance.

The three Delegations expressed their reservation vis-à-vis IRINI Operation and highlighted its shortcomings.

It has been agreed:

-to promote joint cooperation, return of Maltese and Turkish companies to Libya, and resumption of air flights between Libya and Malta and Turkey;

-that illegal migration does not impose a threat to the EU only, but also to Libya, and that there is a need to strengthen the Libyan southern borders and combat human trafficking and smuggling. Malta and Turkey expressed their readiness to support the Government of National Accord in this regard by providing the necessary needs and equipment to upgrade the capabilities of the Libyan Coast Guard;

-to stress the importance of the EU’s participation in tackling the root causes of illegal migration by helping the development of source countries;

-to set up a joint working team to coordinate efforts and cooperation in order to translate any agreed matters into concrete and practical projects.