No: 159, 3 August 2020, Press Release Regarding the Announcement of the Oil Contract Signed by the “Syrian Democratic Forces” , Which is Led by the PKK/YPG Terrorist Organization

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 03.08.2020

It is reported in the press that the "Syrian Democratic Forces", which is led by PKK/YPG terrorist organization, signed a contract with "Delta Crescent Energy LLC", a US-based company, for oil extraction, processing and trade in north eastern parts of Syria.

By this step, the PKK/YPG terrorist organization has clearly demonstrated its ambition to advance its seperatist agenda by seizing the natural resources of the Syrian people. The natural resources of Syria belong to the Syrian people.

We deeply regret the US support to this step, disregarding international law, violating territorial integrity, unity and sovereignty of Syria, as well as being considered within the scope of financing terrorism. This act, which cannot be justified by any legitimate motive, is utterly unacceptable.