No: 158, 28 July 2020, Press Release Regarding the United Nations Security Council Resolution No. 2537 (2020) on the Extension of the Mandate of the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 28.07.2020

The United Nations Security Council Resolution No.2537 (2020) on the extension of the mandate of the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) for a period of six months was adopted on 28 July.

We support the statement made by the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) Deputy Prime Ministry and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the resolution.

It is against the UN’s own rules and principles that the Turkish Cypriot side's consent was not again sought regarding the presence of UNFICYP on the Island. As a matter of fact, the UNFICYP should finalize a legal arrangement with the Turkish Cypriot authorities concerning its presence on the Island. We would like to remind once again that UNFICYP's activities on the Island continue despite this shortcoming through the bona fide approach of TRNC authorities.

It is also unfortunate that while calling for cooperation between the two sides on the Island, the Council turns a blind eye to the equitable sharing of hydrocarbon resources as one of the cooperation areas.

As we have previously emphasized, the issues concerning the Eastern Mediterranean can be resolved through cooperation to be established between the Turkish Cypriot side and the Greek Cypriot side on hydrocarbon resources as co-owners of the Island.

With the same understanding, establishment of a mechanism for direct military contacts indicated in the Security Council resolution is possible between the TRNC Security Forces Command and its Greek Cypriot counterpart.

As it was pointed out in the UN Secretary General’s latest UNFICYP report (S/2020/682), the fundamental detriment to the establishment of effective cooperation between the two sides is the Greek Cypriot side’s concerns for recognition, in other words, acceptance of the Turkish Cypriot side as an equal partner.

This mentality of the Greek Cypriot side is the reason of the failure of efforts towards a settlement on the Island for more than 50 years. The language once again used in the Council resolution which contains prejudices for the settlement of the Cyprus issue unfortunately encourages the Greek Cypriot side to continue its intransigent position.