QA-63, 5 July 2020, Statement of the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Hami Aksoy, in Response to a Question Regarding the Statements by the Spokesman of Iraqi Prime Ministry and the Spokesman of Iraqi Foreign Ministry Dated 5 July 2020 Concerning the Operations Claw-Eagle and Claw-Tiger in northern Iraq

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 05.07.2020

We have given the necessary responses to the statements made by the Iraqi authorities about the Operations “Claw” being carried out against the sanctuaries of the bloody PKK terrorist organization in Iraq.

Recently some unfounded tements are being made by Iraqi authorities regarding this matter.

On this occasion, we remind once again our expectation that Iraqi authorities honour their obligations emanating from international law and Iraqi Constitution to thwart PKK from using the Iraqi soil, and our readiness to cooperate with Iraq to jointly fight against PKK, which also threatens Iraq’s security and violates its sovereignty.

Unless these expectations are duly met, Turkey is determined to take necessary measures against all kinds of destructive activity emanating from Iraqi territory targeting its borders, security and stability on the basis of its inherent right of self-defense stemming from international law.