QA-60, 1 July 2020, Statement of the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Hami Aksoy, in Response to a Question Regarding the Non-inclusion of Turkey in the EU Council’s Recommendation on Travel Restrictions

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 01.07.2020

We are disappointed that Turkey has not been included in the list of third countries, recommending the lifting of non-essential travel restrictions to the EU as of 1st of July 2020.

The measures Turkey has taken to combat the coronavirus pandemic as well as her efforts and success in this respect are evident. The decision should have been taken based on objective criteria and should take into account Turkey’s achievement, which was deemed exemplary by the World Health Organization and the international community.

Turkey has demonstrated an exemplary solidarity with the international community during the outbreak as well.

Turkey will continue her cooperation as well as full and transparent information sharing with the European institutions with respect to the pandemic.

We expect the correction of this mistake regarding the travel restrictions for our citizens as soon as possible.