QA-53, 23 June 2020, Statement of the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Hami Aksoy, in Response to a Question Regarding Macron’s Remarks on Turkey, Libya and Eastern Mediterranean

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 23.06.2020

French President Macron’s description of Turkey’s support to the legitimate government of Libya, upon its request and in line with the relevant UN Resolutions, as “a dangerous game” can only be described as an abdication of reason.

If Mr. Macron revisits his memory and acts with common sense, he will recall that today’s problems in Libya originate from the attacks of putschist Haftar, who is supported by Mr. Macron himself, and that it is the warlord Haftar who refused to sign the ceasefire agreement in Moscow and Berlin. France has primary responsibility for Libya’s drift into chaos due to its years-long support to illegitimate entities, in this regard France is the one playing a dangerous game in Libya.

Although Mr. Macron tries to conceal these facts with ungrounded allegations against Turkey, the Libyan people will never forget the damages done as a result of France’s selfish interests and her acts in line with the ambitions of its collaborators.

France should adopt the principled manner on interrogating the adverse war crimes of putschist and pirate Haftar’s militia and mercenaries committed against innocent civilians, particularly the mass graves found in Tarhuna.

On the other hand, France’s silence on Egypt, which backs putschist Haftar and threatens Libya by military intervention, draws attention.

It is high time for France, who has no coastline in the Eastern Mediterranean, to comprehend that acting like a littoral state, does not actually accord her any jurisdiction in matters concerning the region. France's attitude, which ignores Turkey's legitimate rights in the region by unconditionally rewarding maximalist ambitions, is indeed further increasing the tension, instead of contributing to peace and stability in the Eastern Mediterranean. It has unfortunately been evident for some time that France is unable, or much worse, unwilling, to read soundly and impartially the developments in the region.

The strong position of NATO, which preserves its functionality even during COVID-19 pandemic that affects the whole world, and the strong position of Turkey in this Alliance are quite obvious and have gained the appreciation of the public opinion of the Allies. Under these conditions, French President’s revival of “NATO’s brain death” statement with reference to an alleged incident constitutes a twisted approach.

We invite France and the President of France to stop risking the future and security of Libya, Syria and East Mediterranean and to use established channels of dialogue by acting on the basis of our friendship and Alliance, and in a statesmanlike manner.