QA-47, 12 June 2020, Statement of the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Hami Aksoy in Response to a Question Regarding the Statements of the USA Authorities against the Court Decision regarding Metin Topuz, Ex-Employee of the USA Istanbul Consulate General

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 12.06.2020

Istanbul 14th High Criminal Court, in its verdict released yesterday (11 June), has sentenced Metin Topuz, ex-employee of the US Istanbul Consulate General for 8 years and 9 months imprisonment for “Aiding FETÖ Terrorist Organisation”. Metin Topuz is legally entitled to appeal this decision in seven days.

As a matter of fact, Metin Topuz is not the only FETÖ affiliated person employed by the US missions in our country. Arif Yalçın, who was dismissed from the Turkish Military Academy following the July 15 Coup Attempt, started working at the US Embassy in October 2018. Yalçın was also arrested and transferred to Silivri Prison for FETÖ related charges. This shows that FETÖ members did not only infiltrate into Turkish government institutions but have also infiltrated or were allowed to infiltrate into the US missions in Turkey.

We are yet to receive a positive reply from the USA authorities regarding the extradition requests made by Turkish judicial authorities following the July 15 Coup Attempt for FETÖ members who are known to be in the US, including the FETÖ ringleader. This actually demonstrates the indifference of the USA towards the FETÖ terrorist organisation. As a result of such approach, we observe with deep concern that the USA has become a safe haven for the members of the FETÖ terrorist organisation.

Rule of law prevails in Turkey and the Turkish judiciary is independent. Turkey is resolute in continuing its fight guided by the principles of universal law, against the FETÖ terrorist organisation that aims at abolishing our constitutional order and national solidarity. We invite the US authorities to respect the independence of the judiciary as well as abstain from attempts to interfere with it and in addition, refrain from attributing political meanings to independent court rulings. It is thought-provoking that our allies, who see themselves as the guardians of the universal principles of democracy, freedoms and rule of law, ignore these fundamental principles when it comes to Turkey and inhuman terrorist organisations.