No: 33, 31 January 2020, Press Release Regarding the United Nations Security Council Resolution No. 2506 (2020) on the Extension of the Mandate of the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 31.01.2020

The most recent United Nations Security Council Resolution on the extension of the mandate of the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) which has been deployed on the Island since 1964, for a period of six months was adopted on 30 January 2020.

Turkey supports the statement made yesterday (30 January) by the Deputy Prime Ministry and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) concerning the resolution.

First of all, as we have repeatedly emphasized in the past, it is a serious deficiency that the UN once again has not sought the consent of the TRNC authorities about the UNFICYP. This situation is against the UN's own rules and principles.

The UNFICYP still operates in the TRNC territory within the context of TRNC authorities’ constructive and bona fide approach, without a legal basis. Nevertheless, the Council's reference to the UNFICYP’s freedom of movement in the TRNC territory is an extremely contradictory attitude.

In the upcoming period, we expect the necessary legal framework to be completed between the UN and the TRNC authorities as soon as possible with a view to ensuring that the UNFICYP’s activities on the Island to continue properly.

On the other hand, regrettably, the previous wordings prejudging the future conduct of the Cyprus settlement process have been retained in the text of this resolution as well.

These wordings do not contribute for a settlement in the Cyprus issue. As long as the Greek Cypriot side’s will not to share political power and wealth as equal partners with the Turkish Cypriots continues, any negotiation process to be launched will still fail. If progress is expected on the Cyprus issue, the Turkish and the Greek Cypriots first should reach an agreement on the political equality including all its elements.

Turkey, with these in mind, supports convening the informal 5+UN meeting at an appropriate time where all options regarding settlement will be on the table.

We would also like to remind that reducing the tension in the Eastern Mediterranean is only possible when the Greek Cypriot side ends its unilateral hydrocarbon activities and establishes cooperation with the Turkish Cypriots.