QA-7, 29 January 2020, Statement of the Spokesperson of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Hami Aksoy, in Response to a Question Regarding the Remarks of French President Macron

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 29.01.2020

During the joint press meeting with the Greek Prime Minister today (29 January), French President Macron, once again tried to impose an agenda with his unrealistic claims against our country.

France has the main responsibility in the problems in Libya since the start of the crisis in 2011. It is no secret that this country has given unconditional support to Haftar to have a say over the natural resources of Libya.

The attacks of Haftar against the legitimate government of Libya with the military support of some countries including France are the most serious threat against Libya’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. It is also well known that French President hosted many times those who threaten the territorial integrity of Syria in the Élysée Palace.

The main decision taken in Berlin Conference, which ensures the revitalization of the political process in Libya, is to secure an immediate permanent ceasefire. If France wishes to contribute to the implementation of the Conference decisions, it should first end its support to Haftar.

With its well-known dark history in Africa and with still fresh memory of its massacres in Algeria, what is expected from France is to adopt a positive role in ensuring the stability and security of Libya instead of blaming Turkey.