QA-83, 31 December 2019, Statement of the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Hami Aksoy, in Response to a Question Regarding the Extraordinary Session of the League of Arab States on Libya at the Level of Permanent Representatives

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 01.01.2020

We take note of the reference to the Libyan Political Agreement dated 2015 (Skhirat Agreement) and the emphasis on political solution as the only way for sustaining stability in Libya in the declaration issued by the Council of the Arab League following the extraordinary session on Libya held on 31 December 2019 at the level of Permanent Representatives.

In this regard, we would like to remind that the letter and spirit of the UN Security Council Resolution 2259, primarily, intend to support and strengthen the Government of National Accord as the sole legitimate representative of Libya and call upon all UN members to act in this manner.

On the other hand, contrary to the Libyan Political Agreement and UNSC Resolution 2259, it is obvious that the Arab League has remained silent and failed to decisively support international legitimacy against the months-long, foreign supported military offensive against Tripoli, capital city, by the so-called Libyan National Army.

From the onset, Turkey has been underlining the necessity of an immediate and full ceasefire in order to reach a political solution in Libya. With this understanding, we are actively participating and contributing to the Berlin Process.

We would like to remind that an inclusive Libyan-led and Libyan-owned permanent political solution can only be reached by deterring and not by encouraging those that try to create a fait accompli through military means.

Turkey will continue to support the Government of National Accord, which is the only legitimate executive body representing Libya. We will keep on exerting every effort for Libyan people to secure peace and stability.