No: 369, 23 December 2019, Press Release Regarding the Elections in Uzbekistan

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 24.12.2019

We welcome that the brotherly Uzbek people casted their votes on 22 December 2019 to elect 150 members of the Legislative wing of Parliamentary of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Âli Meclis) and the Representatives of the Local Councils (Mahalli Kengeş) and that the elections were conducted successfully throughout the country.

The calm and peaceful completion of the elections with the participation of nearly 13.5 million voters and with a turnout rate of 71.1% showed once again that the democratization process in Uzbekistan has been successfully progressing.

We welcome also the constructive attitude of the Uzbek authorities to conduct the elections in an open and transparent manner in line with the local legislation and international standards in close cooperation with international observers, including the observers from Turkey. Continuation of these efforts makes Uzbekistan more powerful.

Turkey will continue to sincerely support the comprehensive change and transformation process of our strategic partner, brotherly Uzbekistan in every field.