No: 365, 17 December 2019, Press Release Regarding the Draft National Defense Authorization Act for 2020 Adopted in the U.S. Congress

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 17.12.2019

Once again, the Draft National Defense Authorization Act for 2020 adopted in the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate includes hostile aspects against Turkey. Members of Congress looking to settle internal political scores and acting under the influence of anti-Turkish circles, continue harming the vision to improve our relations with the U.S.

This bill demonstrates that the Congress persists in disrespecting Turkey’s sovereign decisions and in adopting an irrational hostile attitude by unfairly blocking our participation to the F-35 program despite Turkey having fulfilled all its obligations, renewing calls to implement sanctions in the context of our acquisition of S-400 systems and including references to the TurkStream project.

Furthermore, attempts to lift the U.S. arms embargo on the Cyprus Island in favor of the Greek Cypriot Administration will have no outcome other than hampering efforts towards a settlement on the Island and creating a dangerous escalation.

We remind once more that the language of threats and sanctions will never dissuade Turkey from resolutely taking steps to ensure its national security. No one should doubt that necessary measures will be taken against these initiatives targeting Turkey.