No: 357, 11 December 2019, Press Release Regarding the High-Level Meeting on Syria Held in Nur-Sultan on 10-11 December 2019

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 11.12.2019

The fourteenth round of the high-level meetings on Syria was held on 10-11 December 2019 in Nur-Sultan. Developments on the ground, particularly on the east of the Euphrates and in Idlib as well as the current state of affairs in the political process were discussed in the meeting.

The parties rejected separatist agendas that pose threat to the political unity and territorial integrity of Syria as well as to the national security of the neighboring countries. They underscored objection to all attempts to create new realities on the ground under the pretext of combating terrorism, including illegitimate self-rule initiatives. They expressed opposition to illegal seizure and transfer of oil revenues. They emphasized the importance of full implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding of 22 October 2019 between Turkey and the Russian Federation in stabilizing the situation in the east of the Euphrates.

The parties have reiterated their commitment in re-establishing calm in Idlib and in preserving the de-escalation status of the area. They expressed concern with the civilian casualties as a result of the recent increase in attacks. They agreed to intensify efforts in order to ensure the security of civilians and the military personnel of the guarantor states. Turkey has expressed concern for regime’s targeting of civilians and civilian infrastructure and has stressed its expectation that these attacks must cease immediately.

In the meeting, the parties expressed satisfaction on the convening of the Constitutional Committee in Geneva. They reiterated their continued support to the sustainability of the Committee’s work. Turkey has confirmed its support to the ongoing efforts to further the political process, in close coordination with the Syrian opposition and the United Nations. Turkey underscored the expectation from the Astana guarantors to ensure constructive stance by the regime for the functioning of the Constitutional Committee in accordance with its mandate agreed by the Syrian parties.

The Working Group on the Release of Detainees/Abductees, Handover of Bodies and Identification of Missing Persons has also convened in the margins of the meeting. Turkey has stressed its expectation to respect the Working Group’s rules of procedure for future operations of mutual and simultaneous release of persons detained by the opposition groups and the regime.