QA-68, 3 November 2019, Statement of the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Hami Aksoy, in Response to a Question Regarding the US State Department Report on Terrorism of 2018

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 03.11.2019

The US State Department Report on Terrorism of 2018 has put forth the terrorist threat posed to Turkey by both DAESH and the PKK, and emphasized Turkey’s efforts to counter these terrorist organizations and its active contributions to the international efforts on this matter, particularly as part of the Global Coalition against DAESH. The report has acknowledged that the PKK, enlisted as a "Foreign Terrorist Organization" by the US, has been responsible for martyring more than 1200 security officials and civilians in Turkey during the period 2015-2018.

The fact that using the expression “the PKK affiliated groups in Syria” instead of mentioning the YPG in name is an attempt to cover up the unlawful position of the US authorities that do not hide their cooperation with this terrorist organization.

On the other hand, presenting the ringleader of FETÖ, another terrorist organization targeting Turkey, as "self-exiled cleric" signifies that the heinous July 15 coup attempt is either ignored or supported. It is also a manifestation of the effort to overleap the fact that this terrorist has found safe haven on US soil. It should not be forgotten that FETO terrorist organization, which is behind the heinous July 15 coup attempt that left 251 of our innocent citizens martyred and thousand others wounded, is not only a threat to Turkey but to all countries where it exists, and it should be known that the international cooperation in countering terrorism is of great importance.