No: 318, 31 October 2019, Press Release Regarding the Draft Law Adopted by the French Senate

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 31.10.2019

We strongly condemn and reject the draft law proposal adopted by the French Senate, which aims to prevent mothers wearing headscarves from accompanying students on school trips.

Justifying the headscarf ban with the interpretation of “People Providing Services” clause targets directly mothers who accompany their children, not public service providers. This is a new example of France's discriminatory and marginalizing approach that treats Muslims differently from other groups. This is unacceptable to the Turkish and Muslim communities living in France, as well as to our country and other countries that believe in universal values.

It would be beneficial for the French authorities to take legal measures to fight hatred against Islam, rather than such discriminatory practices that incite Islam and xenophobia in their country and limit religious freedoms.

It is yet another example of the hypocrisy and double-standard of countries which refer to freedom on each opportunity but violate fundamental rights and freedoms.

The warnings and opposition voiced by some rational Government Members and MPs during the debate in the Senate have been welcomed.

We hope that France will step back from this mistake by listening to these warnings and opposition and that the draft proposal will be rejected in the National Assembly.