No: 303, 16 October 2019, Press Release Regarding the Increase in the Number of the Violent Attacks, Demonstrations and Actions of the PKK Abroad

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 16.10.2019

In spite of all the notices given to the relevant countries’ authorities, we witness in deep concern that the increase in the number of violent demonstrations and actions committed by PKK fractions especially in the European countries is still continuing.

Indifference to the terrorist attacks targeting Turkish community’s workplaces, houses, mosques, missions and staff of the missions is inexplicable.

We reaffirm our expectations from the relevant countries with respect to strengthening the measures taken and displaying maximum consideration to protect our diplomatic and consular missions, the safety of life and property of our citizens and personnel abroad, and to preserve the Turkish interests.

It should be noted that we will closely follow the identification, prosecution and conviction of the offenders.