QA-63, 12 October 2019, Statement of the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Hami Aksoy, in Response to a Question Regarding the League of Arab States Meeting

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 12.10.2019

The first and the most significant victims of the PYD/YPG/PKK terrorist organization’s ethnic cleansing policy and crimes against humanity have been the Syrian Arabs. Hundreds of thousands of Arabs were forcibly displaced by PYD/YPG/PKK from their homes and lands in the east of Euphrates.

It is extremely disappointing to see that the Secretary General of the League of Arab States, a figure that is expected to be the voice of the Arab world and the Arab street, is supporting the perpetrators of crimes committed against Arabs in Syria and the terrorists aiming at dividing the “Arab homeland”, instead of defending the rights and law of Syrian Arabs.

Operation Peace Spring is being conducted on the basis of Turkey’s right of self defense in line with Article 51 of the UN Charter.

Despite his silence in the face of illegitimate practices and oppression against hundreds of thousands in the Middle East and North Africa, Jerusalem in particular, the Secretary General of the League of Arab States is acting as an accomplice for the crimes committed by the terrorist organization and betraying the Arab world by accusing Turkey as an invader instead of the terrorist organization which compromises Syria’s territorial integrity.