QA-56, 19 September 2019, Statement of the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Hami Aksoy, in Response to the Press Reports that the Greek Cypriot Administration Signed Agreements with International Companies for Off-shore Hydrocarbon Exploration within So-called License Area Number 7

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 19.09.2019

The news of the Greek Cypriot Administration (GCA) signing agreements with French Total and Italian ENI for off-shore hydrocarbon exploration within the so-called license area number 7 of the exclusive economic zone, which this administration unilaterally delimited completely disregarding the Turkish Cypriots who are entitled to their legitimate rights over the entirety of the island, is an indication of GCA’s failure to understand our determination, despite all our warnings.

As repeatedly underlined and shared with the international community, a section of the so-called license area number 7 remains within the Turkish continental shelf, which has been registered with the United Nations.

As has been the case so far, Turkey will in no way allow any foreign country, company or vessel to engage in unauthorized hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation activities within its maritime jurisdiction areas, and will continue to take the necessary measures to protect its rights and interests.

We repeat our strong warning that the unilateral acts of GCA, which aim at usurping the rights of the Turkish Cypriots, do not contribute to peace and stability in the Eastern Mediterranean. The proposal of the Turkish Cypriots towards an equitable allocation of natural resources of the Island remains at the table. This recent signature of the agreement, however, unfortunately demonstrates that GCA is persistent in prolonging its irresponsible stance that disregards equal and inaliable rights of the Turkish Cypriots on the natural resources on and around the Island.

We once more advise the interested companies against any hydrocarbon activities to be attempted within the Turkish continental shelf, trusting null and void licences issued by the GCA.