No: 202, 12 July 2019, Press release regarding recent bomb threats against some DITIB mosques in Germany

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 13.07.2019

It is worrying that over the past three days, far-right groups have successively issued false bomb threats and messages containing racist threats against the headquarters of the Turkish Islamic Union for Religious Affairs (DITIB), where the Central Mosque of Cologne is located, as well as against the other three DITIB mosques in Germany (Berlin Martyrs Mosque, Munich Pasing Mosque and Iserlohn Mosque) and their associations.

Our concerns about these criminal acts, which appear to be aimed at disturbing the serenity of the Turkish community in Germany, and our request for the opening of the necessary thorough investigations, have been forwarded to the German authorities.

We welcome the speed with which local security forces have responded to bomb threats and taken the necessary security measures. However, it is clear that these acts have once again revealed direct threats to the daily lives of the Turkish and Muslim communities in Europe from a number of extremist circles.

These psychological and physical attacks against mosques have shown once again that Islamophobia and xenophobia have become a problem that is becoming increasingly worrying and for which a solution must be found immediately.

These threats are not only directed at Muslims, they are also a common threat to all of humanity.

In the fight against racism, Islamophobia and xenophobia, the adoption of measures to address the social imbalances underlying this issue is as important as the rigorous implementation of security provisions.

Turkey will continue to take all possible measures to establish all relevant mechanisms at the bilateral, regional and international levels.