No: 130, 6 May 2019, Press Release Regarding Some Comments made by Foreign Interlocutors on the Decision of the Supreme Election Council to Re-run the Elections in Istanbul

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 07.05.2019

The 31st March local elections were observed by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe and the delegation stated that they were impressed by the proficiency of the Supreme Election Council.

The same Supreme Election Council had assessed the appeals lodged by use of legal rights concerning various provinces and towns, and had passed decisions. While the Council rejected some of the appeals, it concluded to re-run the elections in Istanbul. Everyone should respect this decision that was taken on the basis of law. We do not accept politically motivated criticism by some of our foreign interlocutors regarding this decision and the Supreme Election Council.

Turkey has proven its democratic maturity. The decision of independent Supreme Election Council aims at ensuring the manifestation of the will of the electorate without any doubt.