No: 77, 25 March 2019, Press Release Regarding the Decision of the US Administration to Recognize Israel’s Sovereignty Over the Golan Heights Under Occupation

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 25.03.2019

We deplore and strongly condemn the decision of the US Administration to recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights, held under Israeli occupation since 1967.

This unfortunate decision, which constitutes a grave violation of international law, particularly the United Nations Security Council Resolution 497 (1981), demonstrates that the US Administration continues its approach to be part of the problem, rather than part of the solution in the Middle East.

This decision is completely null and void for Turkey and for responsible members of the international community that attach importance to the territorial integrity of Syria and of all the countries in the region.

Instead of further destabilizing the region with futile attempts to justify Israel's acts against international law, it is an essential responsibility of all members of the international community to comply with the fundamental principles of the UN Charter and UN Security Council Resolutions.