No: 335, 14 December 2018, Press Release Regarding the Intra-Yemeni Consultations in Sweden

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 14.12.2018

We welcome the progress reached during the intra-Yemeni consultations under the supervision of the UN in Sweden on 6-13 December 2018.

We deem important that the sides have reached an agreement to take steps to improve conditions in Hodeidah and Taiz, as well as to implement the prisoner exchange on a timeline which concerns thousands of people and their families, and also that they have promised to continue to discuss further on the negotiating framework about a political resolution.

It is our main expectation that the crisis in Yemen be resolved as soon as possible and the suffering of our Yemeni brothers and sisters, more than three-quarters of whom are in need of humanitarian assistance, come to an end.

As the current chair of the OIC Summit, Turkey will continue to support the efforts of the UN for lasting peace and stability in Yemen and will act in solidarity with the Yemeni people.