No: 323, 27 November 2018, Press Release Regarding the Second OIC Member States Conference on Mediation in Istanbul on 29 November 2018

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 27.11.2018

The Second OIC (Organization for Islamic Cooperation) Member States Conference on Mediation will be held in Istanbul on 29 November 2018, in the context of theimportance Turkey attributes to strengthening the key rolesof regional organizations in the prevention and peacefulresolution of conflicts.

The OIC Member States Conferences on Mediation, firstheld in 2017, contributes to the efforts of Turkey to raiseawareness and build capacity for mediation within the OIC and among its Member States. This year’s Conference willcontribute to the future activities of the OIC Contact Groupof Friends of Mediation, which Turkey has recently formedand is co-chairing along with similar groups in the UN andthe OSCE.

The Conference will be inauguratedby H.E. Yavuz Selim Kıran, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey and Mr. Yousef Aldobeay, OIC Assistant Secretary General-Designate.