No:308, 14 November 2018, Press Release Regarding the 74th Anniversary of the Deportation of Ahıska Turks from Their Homeland

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 14.11.2018

On 14 November 1944, almost one hundred thousand Ahıska Turks were forcefully deported from their homeland in Ahıska, Georgia, to the distant regions of the Soviet Union.

Many of our Ahıska Turk brothers and sisters lost their lives due to inhumane conditions of the deportation, and the survivors had to confront grave challenges at the places they were sent.

On the 74th anniversary of this tragic event, we feel the deep grief of Ahıska Turks and wish Allah’s mercy upon those who lost their lives during the deportation.

We closely follow the conditions and repatriation process of Ahıska Turks, amounting up to half a million, scattered across nine countries.

Turkey will continue to actively support the just cause of Ahıska Turks.