No: 259, 1 October 2018, Press Release Regarding the Attack Against a Mosque in Gladbeck, Germany

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 01.10.2018

We have learned with deep regret that the DITIB mosque in the city of Gladbeck, in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, was attacked on Monday morning at around 03.00 a.m. by spray painting racist and insulting remarks and symbols on the walls and the door of the mosque.

The case, under investigation by the local police, is closely followed by the Turkish Consulate General in Münster.

We expect the authorities of the friendly city of Gladbeck with whom we have recently celebrated the 25th anniversary of the establishment of sister city relations with Alanya, to find the perpetrators and undertake the necessary legal proceedings.

Bringing the perpetrators to justice will prevent the occurrence of graver incidents in future.

We also would like to reiterate our concern regarding the recent increase in racist and Islamaphobic attacks against Turkish mosques in Germany.

It should be well understood that such assaults do not only target Muslims, but also pose a common threat particularly for the countries they take place and for whole humanity.