No: 199, 26 July 2018, Press Release Regarding the Terror Attacks by DEASH in Suwayda, Syria

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 26.07.2018

We strongly condemn the latest terror attacks perpetrated by the terrorist organization DEASH in the Syrian province of Suwayda, leading to a high number of casualties.

As a member of the Global Coalition Against DEASH, Turkey’s resolve to fight against terrorist organizations that have found breeding ground in Syria, in particular DEASH and PKK/KCK/PYD-YPG, is firm. Turkey has proven its resolve to fight against terrorist organizations that operate in Syria through Operations Euphrates Shield and Olive Branch.

The eradication of terror generating from Syria will be made possible by the elimination of the conditions that have led to the emergence of terrorist organizations. This could be achieved through a negotiated, credible and lasting political solution.