No: 191, 19 July 2018, Press Release regarding the Jewish Nation-State Law adopted by the Israeli Parliament

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 19.07.2018

Jewish Nation-State Law adopted today by the Israeli Parliament tramples universal principles of law and disregards the rights of the Palestinian citizens of Israel.

The declaration of Jerusalem, which is under the Israeli occupation, as Israel's capital in the Law is null and void for the international community. The promotion of the settlements, the illegality of which was reaffirmed recurrently by the UN Resolutions, in the same Law can never be accepted. The definition of the self-determination in the Law as an exclusive right for the Jews is a product of an outdated and discriminatory mentality.

International community should also give the necessary reaction against this Law which aims to disguise the ongoing occupation and the illegal practices of the Israeli Government in Palestine and to discard the vision for the two-state solution.