No: 167, 14 June 2018, Press release regarding the adoption of the resolution on the Protection of the Palestinian People in the UN General Assembly

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 14.06.2018

We welcome the adoption of the resolution on the Protection of the Palestinian People in the UN General Assembly with a vast majority.

Responsible members of the international community have shown once again that Palestinian people will never be left alone in the face of grave violations of their fundamental rights, primarily their right to live, and will not keep silent against injustice.

We find it rather difficult to understand that some UN member states failed to uphold universal justice by refraining from supporting resolution on such an issue which has shaken the conscience of the international community and on which the just and the unjust are distinguished along clear lines.

We expect the UN Secretary-General to act expeditiously to fulfill the requirements of the resolution and to formulate practicable recommendations within this framework as soon as possible in order to ensure the accountability of the perpetrators of the massacre against the Palestinian civilians who participated in the peaceful protests and to establish deterrence with a view to preventing the recurrence of such incidents in the future.

Turkey will continue to monitor the steps that will be taken on this matter and to stand by the Palestinian people in the upcoming period.